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hey! :)

hey sorry lama x post anything... aku skrg tgh midterm break. tapi masih d shah alan lg.
petang ni baru la aku turun KL to meet up with my parents. then i'll be flying back to Tawau on Monday! :)

oh ya... in case ada yg x baca blog ku, aku mau bgtau hari khamis lalu aku n kawan2 satu fakulti ku bermalam d McD. hehe. hari jumaat kami xda kelas... so khamis malam boleh la bergila. :P
best nie.. kami main snap la.. main donkey la.. gosip la... buat confession la.. it was so much fun.

and it got me reminiscing about you guys. :)
too bad kita x penah overnight mana2 kan? hehe...

huh! cuti nie aku mcm x cuti.. banyak sgt assignment. i have five perfect pictures of different techniques to take, interviews to conduct, portfolios to complete and revising to do sebab lpas cuti ada test.

hows everyone doing? :)
ada yg suda ada lover d tempat study masing2 ka?? share la gosip dgn aku... journalism instinct sangat2 curious. ;P